
Organizers: Herb Boyer, Stu Linn, Mila Pollock, and Rich Roberts

Session 1: The Beginnings of the Field

Chairperson: Stu Linn, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA

Tom Bickle
Variations on a theme: the families of restriction/modification enzymes
Werner Arber
Microbial Genetics is at the origin of molecular genetics
Ham Smith
Discovery of the first Type II restriction enzyme and its aftermath
Mila Pollock
Illuminating the history of science, the importance of historical archives
Bruno Strasser
Restriction enzymes: between nature, culture and politics

Session 2: The Restriction Enzyme Field Begins to Grow

Chairperson: David Dryden, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

Matt Meselson
The discovery of EcoKI
Herb Boyer
The discovery of EcoRI and its uses in recombinant DNA
Clyde Hutchison
Restriction enzymes and DNA sequencing
Ken Horiuchi
Work in Norton Zinder’s lab and Japan

Session 3: Restriction Enzymes Become Commercial Reagents

Chairperson: Srinivasan Chandrasegaran, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Rich Roberts
Many more REs at CSHL, the start of REBASE and more recent work
Conversations: Commercialization

Ira Schildkraut
First commercial sales and the start of NEB
Jack Chirikjian
Starting Bethesda Research Laboratories
Bill Linton
The early days of Promega
Arvydas Janulaitis
Science and politics: three phases of commercialization at Fermentas
Panel Discussion

Session 4: Cloning and Sequencing of RM Systems

Chairperson: Ham Smith, J. Craig Venter Institute, La Jolla, CA

Geoff Wilson
The cloning efforts at NEB
Arvydas Lubys
The cloning efforts at Fermentas
Rick Morgan
The MmeI family and engineering opportunities

Session 5: The Biochemistry of Restriction Enzymes

Chairperson: V. Nagaraja, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Steve Halford
Type II restriction enzymes: searching for one site and then two
Alfred Pingoud
Sequence specific recognition and engineering
Andrzej Piekarowicz
H. influenzae and N. gonorrhoeae RM systems and their biological implications

Session 6: Structural Studies

Chairperson: Herb Boyer, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

John Rosenberg
EcoRI structure
Aneel Aggarwal
The current state of structural studies
Xiaodong Cheng
Methylase and RE structures

Session 7: Short Contributions and Summary

Chairperson: Rich Roberts, New England BioLabs, Ipswich, MA

Short solicited contributions

Robert Yuan
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Lise Raleigh
New England BioLabs, Ipswich, MA
David Dryden
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Ichizo Kobayashi
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Other contributors: Bill Studier , Gary Wilson , Paul Roy

Summarization and Close of Meeting

Stu Linn
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA